Stonehurst country house

Stonehurst Country House

Seen from the Glacier Rock: the curved, rock-lined terrace at the south side of the country house

A few steps off the Western Greenway Trail in Waltham, Massachusetts, you can marvel at an architectural landmark: the Stonehurst country house sitting on top of a hill with amazing views of the “South Field” hillside and the surrounding forest park. The on-site Robert Treat Paine Estate panel highlights:
Stonehurst is an icon of American design created by architect Henry Hobson Richardson and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted.
The curved, rock-lined terrace pleasingly fits into the landscape of the rolling meadows and rocky outcrops on the estate grounds.

The estate is also accessible via Robert Treat Paine Drive—off Waltham's Beaver Street. Various trailheads are located next to the estate driveway and parking area, inviting to explore the network of woodland trails or to ride your mountain bike on the Western Greenway Trail (see the Storer Conservation Land Trails map).
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