A x e l e r a t i o

Exploring digital chemistry phase by phase

Data Mining | Nanoarchitectures | Combinatorial Analysis
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Frequently asked questions about Axeleratio's approach

Q: How can I interact with Axeleratio and benefit from its tools and widgets?
A: Whether you are a student, educator, consultant, reseacher or chemical engineer, there are several ways in which you may want to interact or cooperate with Axeleratio. Besides using our open-source software and open-access archives, you may be interested in testing or integrating our data sets, libraries and modules within your task-specific framework of information flow and chemical property search/estimation. Simply ask Axel at axeleratio@gmail.com.

Q: How can I follow Axeleratio—subscription- and spam-free?
A: Follow us via Twitter (@axeleratio). We follow back. We are watching for and frequently screen tweets with cheminformatics content having relevant hashtags including #cheminformatics #digchem and #chemrange.

Q: What programming and encoding languages do you mainly use at Axeleratio?
A: Without limiting ourselves, we develop and implement pipelining tools and applications in Python, JavaScript, and PHP, depending on the targeted environment. To encode, annotate and share chemical information of molecules, compounds, polymers and nanoarchitectures, we use the document-neutral linear notation schemes SMILES and CurlySMILES—and SFN for inorganic materials and (nano)composites. To import and export other complex data structures, we employ XML technology and make use, for example, of ThermoML-encoded physico-chemical property data and relationships.
