
Molecular formula: C6H11N
Molar mass: 97.16 g·mol-1
CAS registry number: 628-73-9

T. Kimura, T. Matsushita, T. Kamiyama and S. Takagi
Excess Enthalpies of {CH3(CH2)nCN, n = 5 to 12} + Methyl Methylthiomethyl Sulfoxide or + Dimethyl Sulfoxide at 298.15 K
J. Chem. Eng. DataYear: 2004Volume: 49Pages: 1046-1051.
Keywords: excess enthalpy, methyl methylthiomethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl sulfoxide, aliphatic, infinite dilution
DOI: 10.1021/je0499317
ThermoML: http://trc.nist.gov/journals/jced/2004v49/i04/je0499317.xml

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