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Text-based Search

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I search for a phrase, phrase-type name or text snippet?
A: Enter the word sequence surrounded by quotation marks; for example "lake tahoe" or "emerald bay state park".

Q: Are searches case-sensitive?
A: No. The examples provided in the answer of the previous question indicate that you don't need to worry about capitalization. The queries DLRT and dlrt produce the same list of hits.

Davis Pond in Davis Creek Regional Park Castle Peak northwest of Truckee Vikingsholm Mansion, south wing

Q: What do I get with the resulting hit list?
A: Depending on your query, you receive matching records from our archive of annotated links. Each record has a clickable title and URL. Many records additionally contain annotation lines and a list of categorized keywords.

Q: What exactly is provided with the annotation lines?
A: The annotation lines highlight central content or provide details with respect to the linked page or document. Annotation text can present a subtitle, text snippets or a brief abstract that we thought might best inform about the nature and content of the linked-to site.
